John Marshall Harlan vs. His Colleagues: One man stood against the prejudices of his era in case after case.

1883 The Civil Rights Cases of 1883: Does the United States have the power to prevent theaters, inns, and railroads from refusing to serve Black customers?

1895 United States v. E.C. Knight: Can the government prevent a single business trust from controlling 98 percent of the sugar production in the United States?

1895 Pollock vFarmers’ Loan and Trust Co.Is a federal income tax permitted under the Constitution?

1896 Plessy v. Ferguson: Can railroads force Black people to travel in separate carriages?

1903 Hawaii vMankichiAre Hawaiians, Filipinos, Puerto Ricans and other people in U.S. protectorates entitled to full Constitutional rights?

1905 Lochner v. New York: Can states pass laws limiting work hours and protecting workers?

1908 Berea vKentucky: Can a state force teachers to serve only white students?

1909 United States vShipp: Can the United States hold local officials accountable for failing to stop a lynching?